Pub. 2 2024 Issue 2

Bringing Balance and Integrity to Mississippi’s Highest Court

Sen. Jennifer Branning, a seasoned figure in Mississippi politics, has thrown her hat into the ring for the Mississippi Supreme Court. With the support of MADA Auto PAC and a track record of conservative values, Branning’s candidacy promises to uphold the integrity of the judiciary while advocating for a fair and balanced legal system.

During Branning’s years in the legislature, she has been a strong vote on MADA initiatives, including warranty reimbursement and HB 401 last year.

For decades, Mississippi courts grappled with the shadow of “Jackpot Justice,” a term coined to describe the dominance of trial lawyers and the resultant skewed legal environment. In response, the Mississippi legislature initiated tort reform, striving to bring fairness and balance to the state’s legal proceedings. Mixed in with the federal elections will be some Supreme Court races, where the stakes are still important.

Sen. Branning, a respected figure in both legislative and legal circles, offers a unique blend of experience and commitment. Having served in the Mississippi Senate since 2016, she has earned a reputation as a steadfast advocate for conservative principles and pro-business policies. As chair of the Transportation Committee, Branning has demonstrated her capacity for leadership and her dedication to the betterment of Mississippi’s infrastructure.

In her bid for the Supreme Court, Branning emphasizes the importance of impartiality and fidelity to the law. She asserts that judges must uphold the Constitution and refrain from legislating from the bench — a sentiment echoed by many in the legal community. With over two decades of experience as an attorney and a deep understanding of Mississippi’s legal landscape, Branning is poised to bring clarity and consistency to the court’s decisions.

Throughout her tenure in the Senate, Branning has championed initiatives aimed at streamlining government regulations and fostering a business-friendly environment. Her efforts to eliminate the franchise tax and reduce bureaucratic red tape have garnered praise from industry leaders and earned her accolades such as the “Business Champion” rating from BIPEC.

Yet, Branning’s dedication extends beyond legislative achievements. Her commitment to the principles of faith, family and community underscores her candidacy across District 1.

Sen. Jennifer Branning embodies the values of integrity, fairness and conservatism that define the spirit of the state. With her proven track record and unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law, Branning offers a vision of a judiciary that serves all Mississippians with equity and honor. In her, Mississippi finds a candidate worthy of its highest court — a candidate who will safeguard its future while honoring its traditions.

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